Preventing Halloween Sugar Overdose

Candy childKids are eager to rush out on Halloween and pile as much candy as they can into their bag. Trick or treat, is how the phrase goes. Often kids get so many treats (and eat them along their trekking) that an inevitable sugar hangover effect sets in. The result is a grumpy, sometimes sick kiddo and, hence a long night for parents.

It is a long believed myth that sugar makes kids hyper. In fact, the hyperactivity is caused by the excitement of the celebration and NOT the sugar itself. So instead of hyperactivity, the rush of too much sugar causes bellyaches, head aches and moodiness.

But Halloween doesn’t have to be all “doom and gloom” when it comes to treats. Here are some tips to prevent a sugar overdose…and keep the candy a fun “treat”… because no child (or parent) needs to eat 5 pounds of candy.

  • Eat dinner before you leave…a healthy one. A full stomach for everyone will less likely lead to candy tasting along the route.
  • Choose a small collecting vessel. Filling the container to the rim is part of the game. The bigger the container, the longer the game. Rather than a pillow case, a pumpkin bucket will fill up quickly, which means time to go home!
  • Pick out the best ones, and toss the rest. In my case this would be anything with peanut butter. Bye, bye Skittles, Smarties, Starburst…
  • Set a daily limit.Two candies are a treat. Ten is overboard.

Looking for more Halloween safety tips? Check out the AAP’s guidelines before you set out.


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