Although goat milk-based infant formula has been used for decades worldwide, it is new to the US infant formula market. The American Academy of Pediatrics recently updated their guidelines to acknowledge that infant formulas using cow, goat, or soy protein as a base and meet all FDA requirements and the US Infant Formula Act for nutrients are perfectly acceptable as a breast milk supplement and/or complete nutrition for a baby’s first year. The first and only goat milk-based infant formula that meets all FDA requirements is Kabrita, a Dutch-based company, available for sale in the US since January 2024. Because goat milk protein is naturally more similar to proteins found in breast milk than cow milk, it is a popular option for babies who are fussy or seem to have trouble tolerating cow milk-based formulas. While it is not appropriate for babies with a true cow milk protein allergy diagnosed by their pediatrician, it is a great choice for everyone else!
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